
  • Three Reasons Extra Attention Should Be Paid To Your Loss Of Use Clause

    Homeowners insurance is typically required for a house, particularly when you live in a neighborhood with a homeowners association or you have a home loan. Even if your home is paid off, homeowners insurance provides protection that you cannot find anywhere else. There are a number of clauses in any homeowners insurance policy. Many of them will dictate exactly what home structures are covered and how much your insurance policy covers for each issue. [Read More]

  • Factors That Cause Changes In Auto Insurance Rates

    When certain things change, the changes can affect your auto insurance rates. If you receive a notice that states your policy costs are increasing or decreasing, it is probably due to some type of change. Here are some of the primary factors that can lead to changes in auto insurance rates. Vehicle Changes Anytime you add, remove, or trade-in a vehicle, your insurance costs will change. Insurance agencies use formulas to determine the rates they charge, and these formulas factor in the vehicles you have. [Read More]

  • What Else Does Your Auto Insurance Cover?

    When you buy auto insurance, you probably buy it in case of an accident or your car getting stolen. However, there are many other situations that your car insurance can cover if you choose the right options. Roadside Assistance Your parents may have been members of an automobile club that would send someone out if they ever broke down on the side of the road. Those programs still exist, but your auto insurance may offer what's usually a much cheaper option. [Read More]

  • How Working With An Independent Insurance Agency Can Benefit You

    When you are buying insurance for your home, car, or RV and other toys, getting a reasonable price and still getting good coverage is essential. Working with an independent insurance agency can open up some options that allow more choices and could be worth taking the time to check out before buying any policy, Customer Focused One of the largest benefits you often get with an independent insurance agency is a focus on what is right for each customer that comes through the door. [Read More]

  • Restaurant Insurance: Why You Need It

    Owning a restaurant is about more than just serving up great food, it's about having a business that is protected as well. You have to do more to keep your business going strong than offer great fare for your customers, you have to make sure your eatery is properly insured as well. A classic blanket insurance won't cut it: you need a restaurant insurance company to assist you in getting the coverage you need. [Read More]

  • 4 Tips To Expedite Your Auto Accident Insurance Claim

    Being involved in a car accident can be bad enough--but waiting for your auto insurance company to pay out your claim when you need money to cover car repairs, medical bills, or other expenses can really add to your stress. Car insurance claims can take some time to process and payout, but there are some steps you may be able to take to expedite things on your end. File a Police Report, Where Needed [Read More]

  • 4 Things You Need to Understand About How Homeowner's Insurance Works

    It is not enough for you to have homeowner's insurance; you also need to understand your insurance coverage. Understanding your insurance coverage will allow you to properly prepare financially for an insurance claim and will allow you to make smarter decisions about the type of coverage you have. #1: Your Premium Your premium is the amount you are expected to pay for your coverage. With homeowner's insurance, your premium rate is locked for the year. [Read More]

  • Tips To Consider When Picking An Insurance Policy As A Contractor

    As a contractor, you frequently go hands-on in situations where there may be some risk involved. Maybe you walk around on a roof all day or you frequently work with electrical wiring. Regardless of what type of work you do, you need to make sure you and your business are properly covered from an insurance standpoint. Whether you are just starting out in your career or you just want to take another close look at your current policies, here are some tips to keep in mind when choosing contractors' insurance. [Read More]

  • Is Your Auto Insurance Responsible If The Car Is Flooded In A Parking Lot?

    A flash flood can quickly cause dramatic levels of rainwater in city streets and in parking lots. Sometimes people in stores and other buildings must be rescued by emergency workers because there is no way for them to safely exit. Who is liable for damage that occurs to vehicles parked in the lot? Will your auto insurance pay for the cost of repairs? Comprehensive Coverage Comprehensive automotive insurance is the first line of defense in this situation. [Read More]

  • Will Your Homeowners Insurance Policy Protect You?

    When you own a home, you need homeowners insurance with a company like Ronald H. Krupa Insurance Agency. Unfortunately, homeowners insurance might not cover everything that you thought that it would when you opened the policy. If you're not sure of what your policy covers, it's imperative that you take the time to read through and discuss the policy with your agent. Here, you'll learn a bit about what might not be covered if you were to file a claim for losses or repairs. [Read More]